Living Healthy Living Free For Africa (LIHLIVF)
Tedros Adhanom, Director General, WHO
The LIHLIVF programme aims at building robust, resilient and responsive health systems and services in the African continent that can sustain equitable delivery of integrated packages of essential services of good quality, which will go a long way to guarantee vital health access for all individuals, communities and populations in Africa. The programme also seeks to satisfactorily respond to the needs of crisis stricken communities or areas in Africa, whether such crisis is the product of disease outbreaks, disasters or conflicts, LIHLIVF will actively work to simultaneously address the underlying causes while at the same time saving lives and reducing suffering. Mindful of the fact that poor nutrition is the main cause of death for millions of children under five and that 3 million children die each year in Africa from malnutrition, the LIHLIVF programme is committed to actively advocate for the removal of nutrition-related barriers that prevent children and scientist from realizing their full potentials. The programme will continuously be at the forefront of supporting grass root communities in tackling diseases in Africa which are the major contributors of disease burden such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and neglected tropical diseases. The available burdens of morbidity, mortality and disability that accrue from non-communicable diseases will also be vigorously addressed in a bid to attain Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063 for a Sustainable and emergent African continent.
The main objective is to develop knowledge, insight and skills among Africans on health, disaster and conflict related concerns, to formulate and implement evidence based policies that can sustainably address health and disaster crisis in Africa as well as pull communities out of the poverty trap.
ASDPN International will at all times and across all social levels work vigorously to ensure that gender issues are taken in to consideration when conceiving, examining, developing and implementing health and health care related issues in Africa.
Member states unanimous on hand washing as a major health remedy in disease prone Africa
- October 17, 2019
ASDPN International organizes a two days side event to mark the celebration of the 16th day of African traditional medicine.
- October 17, 2019
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