Science For Humanities And Justice In Africa (SHAJA)
Martin Luther King, American Baptist Minister and Civil Rights Activist
The African continent has for many decades continued to face political, material and knowledge related challenges in building sustainable peace and justice. Peace and justice in Africa have many times been marred by the inability to assemble related evidence coupled with the lack of appropriate scientific and diplomatic knowledge and experience needed to fully address complex conflict/humanitarian related issues on the continent. Mindful of the unfortunate circumstances of conflicts on the African continent and the subsequent many and major challenges posed to vulnerable populations, mindful of the fact that state and non-state armed groups are parties to the atrocities committed against civilian populations, the Science for Humanities And Justice in Africa (SHAJA) programme will seek to among other things demonstrate that peace building actions require inputs of science and technology and that such inputs would include Scientific Knowledge, the Application of the Knowledge, and the Process used in Acquiring Scientific Knowledge. These elements will be central in resolving the following: sexual violence especially girls and women in need of medical attention and injury documentation, Injured persons also as a result of torture in need of medical attention and injury documentation, and enforced disappearances of people/deceased victims who are unknown and end up in individual or mass graves. Though the SHAJA programme will work to encourage efforts geared towards changing the political and social structures that create insecurity, conflicts and injustice in Africa, such as election reform, good governance and the establishment of scientific mechanisms to monitor and protect human rights, priority will be given to core problems that fuel/create conflicts in Africa by scrupulously examining the political, social and economic conditions and identifying those aspects of the structures that must be changed in order to maintain sustainable peace and justice for all.
This programme has as primary objective to through the inter play of science, diplomacy and policy, identify durable means of ending violent conflicts, ensure justice for all, access to humanitarian. services and the promotion of a culture of peace in Africa, while highlighting creative approaches in teaching and applying science, with a focus on the use of local resources to help promote economic growth, peace, and development in a pre and post conflict Africa.
ASDPN International will at all times and across all social levels work vigorously to ensure that gender issues are taken in to consideration when conceiving, examining, developing and implementing peace, justice and humanitarian related issues in Africa.
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